Sonia’s oeuvre on Nichiren Buddhism titled “Cluster of Blessings” portrays her inner life or her spiritual journey. Through this communion of Art and Buddhism, she explores many Buddhist tenets and expresses her perspective. While her journey is introspective, its depiction aims to engage and communicate with the larger audience. Regardless of whether you're a believer or not, it's the essence I hope resonates with most.
This work originated when I was personally dealing with a lot of obstacles in the form of a series of relentless events. That time, I felt the turbulence like sitting inside an aircraft flying through inclement weather. Buddhism has a beautiful way of dealing with turbulence by “changing poison into medicine”. At that point I felt that I was applying my Buddhist practice to use the turbulence and rough weather to create beautiful Nebulae in the sky. It offered me a total shi
Buddha Nature - COURAGE
Buddha Nature is the highest potential of every living being is depicted by the virtues of Courage, Wisdom, Compassion and Eternity. This artwork depicts COURAGE as a Buddha Attribute.
Inspired by Luc Jacquet’s documentary film ‘The March of the Penguins’, this work is a salutation to the courage and adaptability of the male and female Emperor penguins in their endeavour to secure their newborn egg in the harsh Antarctic weather. They truly epitomize the Buddha displaying love, endurance, compassion, parenthood and Courage above all.
SIZE: 12” x 12”
MEDIUM: Pen, Ink, Acrylic and Pen on Board
DATE: February 2020
PRICE: S$ 500 (SOLD)
“More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are the
treasures of the body, and the treasures of the heart are the
most valuable of all” - these are the immortal lines written
by Nichiren Daishonin to his disciple in a letter, which came
to be titled ’The Three Kinds of Treasures’. The first treasure
speaks of treasures or valuables that we keep in a storehouse,
since we want to safeguard them. The second treasure in
order of importance is the treasure of the body - our health, well-being and life force. And the third treasure is the most important as that is the treasure of the heart - denoting our spirit, thoughts, feelings, intentions, inner callings. This treasure is what we must always aspire to the most.
SIZE: 12”x 12”
MEDIUM: Pen, Ink, Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Board
DATE: November 2019
PRICE: S$ 1000
The three treasures also called Triratna or Ratna-Traya; (sambō), are separate from ‘The Three Kinds of Treasures’ (which is the title of a letter written by Nichiren Daishonin to his disciple). ‘The Three Treasures’ denote the Buddha, the Law (Buddhist Teachings) and the Buddhist Order Sangha (community of believers) respectively. All Buddhists should revere and serve ‘The Three Treasures’. In Sanskrit, they are known as Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. ‘The Three Treasures’ are endowed with the power to free people from all sufferings and lead them to enlightenment.
Source (Soka Gakkai – Nichiren Buddhism Library)
SIZE: 12” x 12”
MEDIUM: Pen, Ink, Acrylic and Gold Pen on Board
DATE: November 2019
PRICE: S$ 1000
The single character 'Myo' refers to the Myo of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, the revered chant in Nichiren Buddhism. It has three meanings as depicted in this Triptych. First is to ‘Open’, literally speaking, opening our lives. Second ‘to be fully endowed’, meaning our lives are already endowed with all that we need and the third is to “restore or bring back to life that which is lost”, i.e. it has great restorative power. All these inherently powerful aspects of Myo are depicted metaphorically by the door (to open), the sun (being fully endowed) and the coming together of a jigsaw implying (restoration).
SIZE: 12” x 12”
MEDIUM: Pen, Ink, Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Board
DATE: November 2019
PRICE: S$ 1000
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